Vestry 2025

St. Olave’s annual Vestry meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 2025 after the 10:30 service. We will review and approve the financial statements for 2024, elect officers of the church and discuss other important matters of the church’s business. Refreshments will be served.

Please take the time to review the various reports that will be considered at the meeting:

Are you a member of St. Olave’s Vestry?

According to Canon Law, the Parish must publish a Vestry List of parishioners eligible to vote on motions. To be a member of our Vestry:

  • You must have been attending St. Olave’s for at least three months before the Vestry meeting.
  • You must have worshipped in-person or online at least three times in the past year.
  • You must be of the full age of 16 years.
  • You cannot have voted as a member of any other vestry during the previous three months, nor intend to vote in any other vestry during the ensuing year.

Please check the Vestry list. If you would like your name to be added or removed from the list, please contact the Rector