Pray with us in our sacred space at 8:30 and 10:30, the latter service with music and children’s program. Or join the 10:30 service from home on YouTube, live or later at your convenience.
- Holy Communion: every Sunday at 8:30; 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 10:30 with music and children’s program.
- Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:30 with music and children’s program;
When Feast Days such as Easter fall on non-Communion Sunday, the schedule is adjusted.
For weekday services (Tuesday to Friday) click here.
Worship tips
If you are new here or to the Anglican church, you might be wondering when you should kneel, sit, stand or say “Amen.” Relax and follow what others are doing. You may see people bowing or making the sign of the cross at certain times, but this is a personal choice. The page numbers in the bulletin refer to the small blue or maroon Book of Common Prayer in the pew racks should you wish to follow the service, but you can also simply take in the music, the words of the Bible and the silences. During the Offertory Hymn you will see people passing a plate to collect money to support the congregation and the needs of others. You’re welcome to contribute, but don’t feel obligated. There are visitor envelopes in the pew clips or you can drop an offering directly onto the plate. Please take a moment to also fill out the visitor card in the pew clips if you would like more information about our Christian community.
For more information about what to expect at an Anglican church service, visit the Diocese of Toronto’s website.