These sacraments are important and sacred milestones in a Christian’s life. For more information please contact our Rector, the Rev’d Rob Mitchell, at or 416-769-5686 ext. 1.

Baptisms are performed, from time to time, at the beginning of the Sunday morning 10:30 service following the Book of Common Prayer so that the child can be welcomed into St. Olave’s family. Private baptisms can also be arranged at other times of the week. Baptism is the initiation rite into the Christian religion. Those who come forward for baptism, or who bring their children forward, are encouraged to live a Christian lifestyle and to participate in the life of St Olave’s parish.

The Rector leads baptized youth in Grade 6 and up through Confirmation study once every two to three years, according to when the area Bishop is available. Confirmation is an ancient rite that includes the laying on of hands by a Christian Bishop who is a successor of the Apostles. It is intended for those who, having come to the years of discretion, are willing to acknowledge openly the vows made for them at their baptism. It is intended that, by the strengthening of the Holy Spirit, they may be equipped to fight valiantly as soldiers of Christ, and become faithful servants for the rest of their lives.
The traditional beauty of St. Olave’s and spacious interior make it an ideal wedding venue. Couples interested in having an Anglican wedding are encouraged to speak to the Rector. Some marriage instruction classes may be required.
St. Olave’s is also equipped to livestream weddings on our YouTube channel.
Planning ahead can provide great comfort to you and your loved ones. Consider speaking to a funeral home and making arrangements. To plan your service, use this handy planning document and contact our Rector for additional advice. You can file it with our office, as well as in your personal papers.
St. Olave’s is also equipped to livestream funerals on our YouTube channel.