“The purpose of Anglican Church Women in the Diocese of Toronto is to be a focus for Christian Community among all Anglican Women, affirming their gifts and encouraging their ministries through worship, learning, and service.” – Toronto Diocesan Anglican Church Women, May 2006
Every woman in the congregation is an Anglican Church Woman.
The ACW meets once a month for social time and to discuss events pertaining to the church, such as convening coffee hours, helping serve food at funerals and other events, organizing the book fair at the annual craft show or the newly created Community Yard Sale in June. There are other fundraising initiatives throughout the year, including sale of Christmas ornaments, no-bake bake sale and a raffle which helps us raise money to pay for church improvements or other worthy causes such as Moorelands Camp, St. Michael’s Youth Conference, Four Villages Community Health Centre, LOFT Community Services, and Northern Clergy. We also contribute knitted goods to the Mitten Tree which stands in the narthex every Christmas and deliver Christmas gift bags to seniors living in LOFT community housing.
The Mary & Martha Group meets on the third Tuesday of every month from September to June. They have a very interesting program that includes guest speakers, movies, fashion shows, and games, to name just a few events.
For more information, please contact the church office.