PWRDF is the relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Canada (named for the Primate, the head of the church). It supports local partners around the world working to improve health, food security, adapt to climate change, empower women, and in Canada supporting Indigenous communities through language reclamation, microfinance and midwifery. It also responds to disasters and accompanies refugees and displaced people through humanitarian relief.
St. Olave’s parishioners are invited to allocate a portion of their weekly offerings to PWRDF on their duplex envelopes. Besides offering weekly prayers for the work of PWRDF, St. Olave’s has also been engaged with PWRDF in the following ways:
- From March 27 to May 8 St. Olave’s Second Century Mission Fund will be raising funds for PWRDF’s work supporting Ukrainian refugees.
- In September 2020, St. Olave’s raised more than $600 for PWRDF’s partner in Uganda, St. Jude Family Projects, by selling handmade face masks.
- In May 2019 we welcomed Toni Habinshuti from PWRDF partner in Rwanda Partners in Health (right).
- In February 2019 we viewed a video including two of our Youth Group members promoting the Canadian Foodgrains Bank “I Care” campaign (PWRDF is a member of the Foodgrains Bank). We also signed and sent postcards to the Prime Minister asking for increased Canadian aid.
- In December 2018, our Rector, the Rev’d Rob Mitchell, wrote Empowered & Empowering Women: An Advent Reflection on Women in the Bible from Eve to Mary. Download the resource here.
- In November 2018 the door proceeds from the Christmas Craft Show were designated to PWRDF’s work supporting peace and reconciliation work in South Sudan.
- In May 2018 we participated in the Mapping the Ground We Stand On reconciliation exercise.
- Donations to emergency appeals.