Window of our Spirits

In 2020, St. Olave’s began a multi-phase plan to replace the basement windows, which had been deteriorating significantly over the years. Panes were cracked, caulking was crumbling and warm air seeped out, making them big energy wasters. Using our Capital Investment Fund, we replaced the 10 windows in the choir room and Ethel Brown Room. We give thanks to the parishioners of the past who bequeathed a legacy to St. Olave’s that has grown to support many capital projects and keep our building running smoothly.

In 2021, we invited parishioners to help us replace the 20 windows along the north side of the church, in memory of loved ones. The campaign was named Lead, Kindly Light, after a favourite poem of the Rev’d Dr. Schuyler Brown and his wife, Maggie, who made the first donation in his memory. Much to our delight, the rest of the windows were quickly sponsored and installed in 2022. The dedication plaque can be seen in the Narthex.

This year we intend to replace the final 20 windows along the south side of the building. We again invite you to participate in this unique opportunity to honour a loved one. The cost per window is $1,900. Honour the memory of a loved one or celebrate your love of St. Olave’s with this lasting gift. A plaque will be hung in the Narthex with the names of all the window sponsors and honourees.

May the words of the poet Christina Rossetti inspire you to open the window of your spirit. If you have any questions about payment schedules, group sponsorships, or anything else about the campaign, please contact our Stewardship Chair, Martha Drake, or our Property Chair, Sheila Tait, ODT, at Copies of the Window of our Spirits letter with order form are also available for pick up in our office.