Tips for newcomers

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Who comes to St. Olave’s?

You will find St. Olave’s to be a very friendly and welcoming community. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join us in worship, wherever you are on your faith journey. Here’s a bit more from our Rector, the Reverend Rob Mitchell.

Where do I park?  

There is a parking lot off Ostend. St. Olave’s is also a short walk from either Jane or Runnymede subway stations.

What should I wear? 

Fancy “Sunday best” clothes are not required, wear whatever you like!

I’m not sure what to do. 

Our services are all laid out in the bulletin for you to follow. They are made up of prayers, Bible readings and a sermon. Our 10:30 service also includes hymns and other music led by our choir. The service is usually about an hour and 15 minutes. You are also welcome to take Holy Communion if you have been baptized, but it is not required.

I’m not big on singing.

Singing is not mandatory so sit back and enjoy our choir. We also offer a said service of Holy Communion every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 11:15 a.m.

What about my kids? 

Children of all ages are welcome in the service or can join our children’s program which runs during the 10:30 service throughout the school year.

What’s involved with Baptism? 

Baptisms are performed throughout the year during the 10:30 service or privately. Typically babies are baptized with parents and godparents, but adult baptism is also welcome. Ask the Rector (priest) for more information.

 I can’t do Sundays. 

No problem! We also celebrate Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11:15 a.m. Rev’d Rob and our Daily Officers lead Morning Prayer (8:30) and Evening Prayer (4:30), Tuesdays to Fridays on Facebook Live (also on our website). Our Sunday services are also on our YouTube channel.

How do I pray for someone? 

You can add a name to the prayer list in the black binder at the back of the church to be read out during the service, or email the office and ask for it to be added.

How can I meet people? 

Everyone is welcome to stay for refreshments after the service, usually in the lower level (or on the lawn in the summer). Say hello to the Rector or any of our parishioners after the service if you like and let us get to know you!

How can I support St. Olave’s? 

During the service a collection plate will be passed and the offering will be blessed. If you would like to receive a tax receipt, please use the visitor’s envelopes at the back of the church. You can also donate online at If you are interested in becoming a monthly donor, please find more information here.