The library is housed in the Ethel Brown Room on the fireplace mantle, with additional stock in the cupboards to the left of the fireplace.
We put out books and texts on the mantle that are of more immediate relevance, and change them up according to the liturgical seasons. Working closely with our Wardens, and now our Rector, we try to feature books that connect with the life of our parish. Books by some of our distinguished guest speakers, such as Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, Marina Nemat and Dianne Dupuy can be found here, as well as from our Honorary Assistants, the Reverend Diana Spencer and the Reverend Dr. Schuyler Brown.
Our sign-out works on an honour system. There is a sign out book and folks are usually conscientious about returning books in good time and condition.
If you would like to join or lead our Library Committee, please contact the Rector, or members of the committee, Sandra Franke and Tina Sweeney.