What is sacred?

One question that has been asked is about the sanctity of the church space. In February 1927, St. Olave’s congregation moved from its original location further south on Windermere and began to worship in the basement of 360 Windermere. Ten years later the church that we know and love was opened and dedicated by the Primate of Canada. 

St. Olave’s, like many churches, is cruciform, or cross-shaped. The centre aisle, from the narthex to the high altar, forms the main line of the cross while the transepts (the chapel and baptistry) together form the arms. The walls, stone arches and stained-glass windows of these paired transepts emphasize this shape. None of the proposed options would change this shape, remove any interior or exterior walls or destroy any windows.

A Meditation on the Sanctity of the Sacred, by Sandra Franke

“Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”– John 2:19

With these words Jesus says that each person is the church, not the building itself. 
The sacred is inside you.
That is where you will find God. 
You are the church and the church is inside you. 
You are God’s vessel.

The church space is a reflection of our souls, not a projection
The brick and mortar church is sacred because your sacred soul is present. 
Is the sacred over when you walk out of the church on Sunday?
No, you cultivate the sacred in daily life, seven days a week. 
The church building is an expression of our sacred souls. 
The church building is there to reinforce the sacred inside you. 
Consecration is the act of dedicating a space to the service of God. 
You can just as well consecrate your day or your week. 

Therefore if we move a chapel from one side of the building to the other will the sacredness in us die?
No. And it will be very carefully and respectfully done to respect the souls of the congregation, past and present. 

Accessibility means access. We will be providing access to the worship of God to all of our brothers and sisters, regardless of physical and mental abilities. 

The long history of prayers in our chapel will greet people as they travel the elevator and enter the sanctuary.

The elevator will be uplifting these sacred souls as it lifts us into the church.
The elevator is one of God’s tools. 
This will be a beautiful space.