Moving online – January 5, 2022

(the following e-blast was sent January 5, 2022)

Dear parishioners,

In response to the sharp increase in COVID cases, the College of Bishops of the Diocese of Toronto issued a letter this morning informing all parishes that we will be required to close to in-person worship from Monday, January 10 until Monday, January 31. However, the Bishops have strongly encouraged churches to close immediately.

Considering this recommendation, St. Olave’s will be moving to online worship only as of this Sunday, January 9. According to Diocesan guidelines, only those involved in live streaming the service will be in the building. Everyone else is invited to participate by watching the 10:30 a.m. service from home. Junior Church parents will be receiving an e-blast from Brittany in the next day with updates for the children’s program.

The services of Holy Communion on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 11:15 a.m. will also not be held during this period but the following programs will continue:

• Wednesday morning Bible Study will move to Zoom only
• Daily offices will continue to be said on FaceBook Live, Tuesdays to Fridays
• Compline will continue on Wednesday evenings at 9 p.m. on Zoom
• Youth Group will continue to meet Friday evenings on Zoom

For more information about any of these programs please contact the office at

Our regular Friday e-blast will include the YouTube channel link for this Sunday’s service of Morning Prayer in the Octave of Epiphany. We look forward to the time we can once again be together in our building. Until then, we thank God that we can worship and gather virtually. 

In Christ,

Rob, Janice and Sharm
Rector and Wardens