Over the years the basement windows at the church have deteriorated significantly. Panes are cracked, caulking is wearing out and warm air seeps out, making them big energy wasters.
In 2020, we began a multi-phase plan to replace the windows, using our Capital Investment Fund. We give thanks to the parishioners of the past who bequeathed a legacy to St. Olave’s that has grown to support many capital projects and keep our building running smoothly.
We replaced the 10 windows in the choir room/Curate’s office and Ethel Brown Room. These double-glazed high-efficiency windows will greatly improve heat conservation and energy usage once we are back in the building fully.
In the coming months we will be replacing the 20 basement windows on the north side of the church. We would like to offer you the opportunity to support this work with the “Lead, Kindly Light” window sponsorship campaign. We have chosen this title in honour of the late Rev’d Dr. Schuyler Brown, whose memorial donations will be directed toward the first window. It is the title of one of his favourite poems, also a well known hymn that was sung at Schuyler’s funeral.
You’re invited to sponsor a window for $1,500.
Honour the memory of a loved one or celebrate your love of St. Olave’s with this lasting gift. A plaque will be hung in the parish hall with the names of all the window sponsors.
To sponsor your window, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, detach and return it to the church in the envelope provided. You may pay by cheque or online at stolaves.ca/giveonline and choose Window Sponsorship from the dropdown menu.
If you have any questions about this unique fundraiser please feel free to contact Martha Drake, Stewardship Chair at 416-274-1455 or maadrake@gmail.com or Sheila Tait, Property Chair at 416-801-8978 or smtait@sympatico.ca.