Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

The World Council of Churches has invited Christian churches throughout the world to make this day a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine in response to the hunger crisis. In Yemen, more than seven million people are hungry and have little access to food.  In South Sudan, over three million people have fled the country, with more leaving each day. In Somalia, over six million people need humanitarian assistance and protection. In northeast Nigeria, the ongoing uprising by Boko Haram has killed more than 20,000 people and driven more than two million people from their homes.

Therefore, let us pray for peace and durable solutions that will end conflict and violence; that communities can live, mobilize their resources, benefit from the fruits of their labour, and live without fear.

Let us pray for the starving men, women and children whose faces and stories fill our newspapers, televisions and computer screens; for the millions who are facing starvation, who are ill or malnourished, and have no access to medical care; for the hundreds of thousands who have fled their homes, traveling long distances in search of food and better conditions; for the mothers and fathers who are watching their children die of starvation; for those who have lost all hope.

Let’s also pray for those who are already at work responding to famine; for local, national and international agencies raising awareness and collecting donations; for world governments as they decide how best to respond to the crisis; for The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund; and for all those on the ground, working with the hungry, the sick, and the dying, those negotiating with local governments, and arranging shipments of food and other supplies.

Let’s also pray for ourselves, and our own response; for our own Second Century Mission Fund and committee; for those of us who have more food than we need, and money and resources that we could share; for those of us who can speak out against injustice and inaction, and encourage our government’s quick and generous response; for those who are willing to continue praying.

Almighty, compassionate, loving and gracious Father, who dost hear the cries of a suffering world; listen to our supplications and grant these our prayers, for the sake of thy son, Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate, the same who knows hunger, thirst and fear, and to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end.  Amen.