Sunday, February 28, 12 p.m. noon
In accordance with provincial health and Diocesan guidelines, our annual Vestry meeting will be held on Zoom this year.To join, please click on the zoom link at and then enter in the ID#. Or, you can also join by phone. Simply dial 647-558-0588 or 647-374-4685 and enter the meeting ID number. Please note, you can mute and unmute yourself by pressing *6.
To receive the ID#, please email For security reasons, we cannot publish the ID# here. If you have joined our Zoom Coffee Hours before, it is the same ID#. Please plan to log in a few minutes early.
The Vestry is the annual general meeting of the parish. Rev’d Rob will chair the meeting, and office holders and committee chairs will present their reports on the year’s activities.
View the Order of Business HERE.
View the Auditor’s Financial Statement HERE.
View or download the Vestry Report in whole or in sections by clicking HERE.
Please read the code of conduct and meeting guidelines HERE.
The Vestry meeting is your opportunity to learn more about the church’s financial position. The Wardens will be presenting a budget for 2021 and your participation is important. We will also be voting on the Diocese of Toronto’s Social Justice Motion, “Committing Ourselves to Anti-Racism” which can be found here.
Leadership elections and appointments
This year we will be electing a People’s Warden and Deputy People’s Warden. Sharm Powell and Carol Ambler have both agreed to let their names stand, respectively. Nominations will be open until February 26 at 5 p.m. Please speak to Rev’d Rob if you’re interested in learning more.
Rev’d Rob also intends to appoint Allan Taylor (from the 8:30 a.m. congregation) as Deputy Rector’s Warden and to re-appoint Janice Douglas as Rector’s Warden. Allan and his parents, Dave and Maureen, have attended St. Olave’s since 2003. He and his wife Krysta have three children, all of whom whom were confirmed at St. Olave’s in the past few years (and two were even baptized here!). Allan is also a long-time supporter of the Hunger Patrol, and is a founding partner of a commercial property management company.
Are you on the Vestry list?
We are required to publish a Vestry List of all parishioners eligible to vote. Requirements are:
- You must have been a member of the Anglican Church of Canada and of this congregation for at least three (3) months in 2020.
- You must have attended regularly scheduled services of worship with this congregation at least three (3) times in 2020 (including viewing our online services)
- You must be at the full age of sixteen (16) years
- You must not have voted as a member of any other Vestry during the previous three (3) months, nor intend to vote in any other vestry during the ensuing year.
Please review the list here to ensure your name is on it. If you meet the criteria above and your name is not on the list, please contact the Rector immediately.