The annual vestry meeting will be Sunday, February 27 at 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. To join the meeting, go to and type in the meeting ID#. The ID# is the same number that is used for Coffee Hours. To receive the number, please email the office at
The Vestry is the annual general meeting of the parish. Rev’d Rob will chair the meeting, and office holders and committee chairs will present their reports on the year’s activities.
View or download the entire Vestry Report HERE, or click on the links below to access different reports.
View the Auditor’s Financial Report HERE.
View or download the second release of the Vestry Report HERE.
- Table of Contents
- Minutes of Vestry 2021
- College of Bishops Pastoral Letter to Vestries
- Rector’s Report
- Churchwardens’ Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Operating Income/Expense Statement
- Non-operating Income/Expense Statement
- Quarterly Givings, Target vs. Actual
- Proposed Budget for 2022
- Summary of Budget v Actual
- Capital Investment Fund Committee Report
- Consolidated Trust Fund statement
- Envelope Secretary Report
- Bequests and Memorial Gifts
- Appointments and Elections
- Advisory Board, Parochial Committee and Signing Officers
- Group and Committee Reports, Building and Maintenance Report
- Social Justice Vestry Motion Information
Are you a member of St. Olave’s Vestry?
According to Canon Law, the Parish must make and publish a Vestry List of parishioners eligible to vote on motions. To be a member of our Vestry:
- You must have been a member of the Anglican Church of Canada and of St. Olave’s congregation for at least three months
- You must have attended regularly scheduled services of worship (including online services) at St. Olave’s at least three times in the past year
- You must be of the full age of sixteen years
- You cannot have voted as a member of any other vestry during the previous three months, nor intend to vote in any other vestry during the ensuing year
- Employees of the parish are non-voting members of vestry
- The Rector will only vote in the case of a tie
Please check the Vestry list here. If you would like your name on or off the list, please contact the Rector.