Judy Beal

Most of the members of St. Olave’s congregation know me as Church Secretary, but I was a member of the congregation long before Rev’d David Burrows and the Wardens of the day – Robert Ragsdale and the late John Damery – hired me to work in the church office. St. Olave’s is where my family has gathered for some of the most important days of our lives – Baptisms, Confirmations, a Wedding, a Funeral, and even the Blessing of our pets. 

Over the years, I have enjoyed volunteer opportunities as a member of the Faith and Fellowship (Young Adults) Group, Mary and Martha Group, Nursery care-giver, Sunday School teacher, Servers’ Guild, Arts Guild, ACW Executive, Growth Committee, and as a Congregational Reader. Serving the Lord through these activities, I have been blessed with many happy memories and treasured friendships.
What does St. Olave’s mean to me? One word comes immediately to mind. HOME. Webster’s Dictionary defines home as “a place one holds dear because of personal feelings or relationships; a place of security and comfort.” I am truly grateful for everything St. Olave’s has meant to me, and my family, for more than 35 years. From our earliest visits, I have always known that this is where I belong; and I am thankful for the warm and sincere welcome that resulted in us becoming members of a wonderful church family. St. Olave’s is HOME.