
All things come of thee, O Lord.
And of thine own, have we given thee.

St. Olave’s is grateful for the generosity of parishioners and visitors that enables us to serve both our local Toronto community and people in need all over the world. 

St. Olave’s is a registered charity.

Tax receipts are issued at the end of February for donations totalling more than $25.

Advent Appeal letter 2020

Stewardship at St. Olave’s

Legacy Giving 

Donations may be made by:


Using secure online payment provider, you can donate online to St. Olave’s. When you click on our online donation page, you can make a one-time gift or set up monthly payments from your credit card. You can use the dropdown menu to choose how you would like to designate your gift. You do not need to set up an account to make a donation. Or, if you choose to set up an account with, you can keep track of your donations. You will receive an email confirmation of your gift, and a tax receipt in the mail by the end of February.

Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG) from your bank account

Our PAG program allows you to give a set amount each month directly from your bank account. You need never worry about missing one week and it also help us manage our finances. Download and print the Pre-Authorized Giving form, fill it out and return it to St. Olave’s with a void cheque. (This program is managed through the United Church of Canada.) Offering cards are available in the Narthex at the back of the church that you may place in the collection plate to indicate you are a PAG donor.

Duplex envelopes 

A box of duplex envelopes is available upon request. These are dated for each week and include a number unique to you to make it easy for us to track givings over the year. Your gift of cash or cheque can be placed in the dated duplex envelope and then added to the collection plate during the Offertory Hymn.

To request a box of envelopes, register for Pre-Authorized Giving or increase your PAG amount, please email our Envelope Secretary, Doug Hewitt.

Using our secure PayPal account, you can use your credit card to make an offering. You do not need a PayPal account. Click on the “donate” button below to make your gift.

By mail

Send your cheque or money order to:
St. Olave’s Anglican Church, 360 Windermere Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6S 3L4

In person 

If you are unable to join us on a Sunday morning you can drop a cash or cheque offering during office hours: Mondays and Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Thursdays 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.