
Second Century Mission Fund history

Originally St. Olave’s was a Mission church of St. Anne’s, Gladstone. Our present church was built during the Depression. After the Second World War, mission givings lessened and often the donations on the Mission side of the envelopes were used by the church because it was short of money.

Many in the congregation thought it would be a good idea to set up a fund strictly for mission work. They wanted a treasurer and group of trustees to administer the fund which would not be used for St. Olave’s needs and would be separate from the church’s administration activities. It would also be a tribute to those who built the church during its first century.

Regulations were adhered to and a committee for this purpose were established. Offerings given to The Primate’s World Relief Fund were often used for world needs, so the committee wanted to choose its own missions locally and nationally, as well as worldwide. This would give the congregation a personal hands-on approach.

Thus the Second Century Mission Fund was established in 1989 with guidelines for members and for the administration of funds. The latter continues to work successfully in concert with TD Waterhouse to invest our legacy donations. Interest and givings at church are donated by the committee according to the Fund’s mission statement.

The Fund’s work spreads the Gospel and alleviates suffering and hardship.

May the good work continue through donations, legacies and prayers.

– Bob Ragsdale